When migrating to Compose you may have come upon the DropdownMenu or the ExposedDropdownMenuBox + ExposedDropdownMenu. These APIs provide an easy interface for showing a list of items in a dropdown menu to let users pick a choice of items. However, if you have more than just a few items to pick from, you may also have noticed that it’s […]
Author: Peter Törnhult
Android utvecklare, Techcoach, Scrum master
Animated Selector in Jetpack Compose
Are you migrating to Compose but can’t get your AnimatedStateListDrawables to work? Here’s a solution that worked pretty well for me 👍 Some background… While trying to migrate BottomNavigationView to the Compose NavigationBar (Material3) I got stuck on errors when loading my icons in Compose. In my app, I’ve created AnimatedVectorDrawables using AnimatedStateListDrawable to automatically animate the navigation bar tab icons. I spent […]
Reflections from DroidCon Berlin 2021
DroidCon Berlin is a 3-day conference and it’s one of many Android conferences happening all over the world each year. I think this is one of the best Android conferences you can find as it’s well placed in Berlin for anyone traveling from within the EU. This is a great place to meet other developers and learn […]
Vår teknikkonsult Peter Törnhult har varit på Google I/O 2019. Vi passade på att ställa några frågor om hans besök. Om konferensen:Google I/O 2019 riktar sig till utvecklare och har omkring 5000 deltagare. Konferensen äger rum i Mountain View, San Francisco med syfte att löra sig mer om allt nytt som kommer ut från Google […]
LiveData and ViewModel are two awesome new additions to the Android toolbox. The examples are straight forward, but unfortunately they don’t cover every aspect of the Android universe. Working with the FragmentManager backstack I encountered a problem. Here is how I solved it.