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Securing webservices without going crazy

Magnus Mickelsson shares his ideas on how to make webservices work decently enough when you cannot avoid the heavy stuff defined by the standards. Learn how to set up a simple webservice and encrypt the information being sent over it. I have issues with Webservices. As you might not remember even if you read it, […]


Ant Refactoring

Today, those who work in agile teams have learned to constantly improve their code using refactoring techniques. However, build scripts still tend to degenerate as more functionality is added. Magnus Mickelsson discusses a way to counter this, and gets a library of reusable parts as a bonus. I have been responsible for creating scripts for […]


En titt på Xfire

Jag gillar inte Webservices. Så, då var det sagt. Eller, jag avskyr inte Webservices som koncept, men den komplexitet som de ofta medför i applikation, byggscript, testning med mera. I min mening blir saker och ting lättare att förvalta ju enklare och mer intuitiva de är, utan att för den skull förlora i kvalitet och […]